Tithe and Offerings
Tithe and Offerings
Here we will address topics of worship and issues that concern us all.
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6:00 AMDemocracy has died
The Constitution gives spending powers to Congress, not the president, part of the separation of powers that Madison crafted as a bulwark against tyranny, Napolitano said. In this case, Congress “expressly declined to give him that money,and Trump signed the bill that denied him the cash for his wall.

Then, Trump took the money anyway, using emergency powers that Napolitano noted may have been passed into law by previous Congresses, yet are not in the Constitution. In a video on Fox News, Napolitano said Trump has also essentially created his own sales tax • again, a power that is supposed to belong to Congress.

in the form of his tariffs on Chinese goods, likewise done in the name of a supposed emergency. He summed it up in his column: After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today.

a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. Napolitano warned that the same Republicans who are cheering as Trump uses these unconstitutional powers will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House.

8:00 AM1 Sept 19 daily violence
Your met with violence and anger at every seemly normal routine of your daily life, a visit to a restaurant, and trip to the movies you must continually be on guard keeping your head on a swivel as we say in the military, and how do one enjoy those hallmark moments when the very forces protecting me, are the very forces murdering me. The same laws that govern my life are written by the same forces that threaten me.

9:00 AM1Sept 2019 no strength
There is there is no strength left in the world of man. if we are so insignificant to you and inferior to you then why do you spend so much effort to pursue and kill us, how is it that you still believe that you deserve the American dream when you are so willing to deny us our basic existence.

9:30 AM25 Aug 19 Assault
When we as a Society speak on sexual assault why do we forget that an entire race was raped and sexually maltreated for hundreds of years in ways that truly show the evils that human beings are capable of, an entire race for generations raped, assualted at the whim and privilege of others. In this era of the #me too movement why is that fact still not talked about.

1:00 PM25 Aug 19 We have lost our way
We have lost our way. It’s not our fault. Weve been lied to. We have been blinded to our true purpose, our heritage, and our destiny. Our minds have been clouded and our attentions have been diverted. We have been told to occupy ourselves with things physical rather than spiritual. We have been taught to worship politics, commerce, technology, war, sex, life, death. We have become slaves chained with invisible shackles.

3:00 PMBurdens of society
Societal burdens that A man of African descent must face in society would break the soul of any other race walking this earth, try to imagine that every single day of your life there is some radio, tv, or social media image or statement regarding an attack on your race, try to imagine that burden on your spirit and soul, how do you go to work each day or school how do you continue through your daily activities, when every aspect of this world hates your very image. And your only true crime is a product of your own genome and your own specific biology.

5:00 PMWhat’s normal
A young lady came up to me and she said why can’t we have one normal day in America. I replied what’s normal from the 16th century - 19th century we had enslavement and the unimaginable sexual abuse of a race, then 100 more years of murder, rape, burning and lynchings, and 100 more years bringing us to the present 21st century - segregation, rape and police shootings, what’s normal I repeated to her, and she left in silence.